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In & Out... Sexuality, Gender, Bio-Spirit & Experimental Truth Machinery.

There is no attaining the Truth without experimentation.
There is no Truth without limitation. 

These are the two core premises that inform me what the Truth is and anything around it.
The process of attaining Truth is necessarily explorative, and exploration necessitates a process of becoming contingencies. It necessitates a process of becoming, rather than simply "being."
To be is an existential absurdity.
To become is to generate the steps towards the thing outside the absurdity of existence. 
All becomings lead to an internal awareness of the contrast between division and unity, contingency and necessity. 
All becomings are thus necessary. To become many things one should discipline their bodily processes unto self-mastery, and abandon all slavish tendencies and the wretched impulses of following the masses.
For there is nothing more degrading to the creative Spirit of our bodily processes than to adhere in accordance to the borders imposed by the masses. 
The Spirit only shatters these borders by virtue of how it uses all the micro-parts of our bodily processes to continuously connect to other bodily processes and realities outside of these borders. 
The Spirit is creative and interested in new creative formations. The masses have unconsciously taken upon these formations and gotten stuck. All temporality is thus interpreted through it.
Being in Time & Time in Being may be a prism, but the massified worldview concerning time is a prison.
The creative Spirit is the thing that reveals the Truth "in the end," and perhaps as its end. 
But the creative Spirit is still not quite the Truth. 
The creative Spirit knows no limitations in how it leads the bodily processes of socio-biology to its various liquidifications and solidifications, weakenings, and strengthening. 
The creative Spirit is here intoxicated with its own generative power, it is dionysian. 
The Truth on the other hand is apollonian, as it imposes limits and restrictions. It does so against the will of those forever intoxicated by the creative Spirit. 
In a sense, the two are analogical contingencies of the Absolute. 
Nothing ought to be personified here. Kill personalities like one should kill the Buddha. 
All of this is autistically true. Literally true. Even the symbolisms are enveloped by physical processes led by the creative Spirit that in immanence exists unto itself. 

All of sexuality, and by extension its soul (erotica) is and perhaps should be experimental.
All of gender and by implication, a deeper spiritual reality connected with the soul of sexuality is and perhaps should also be experimental.
Biology here is constituted by various bodily processes of connections and disconnections. Biology exists in the plane of connections and disconnections. In the Clockwork Orange reality of aoedipal, nonhuman, nonpersonal in and out, in and out. 
In and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out.
Biology experiments on itself, but it also imposes limits on itself. 
Do you too have the paranoia to see what I am seeing, fellow schizoid? 
Do you hear the voices connected to the thoughts that are connected with the ethereal realm that is connected to your neurological/neurochemical reality? 
Biology is part of a plane, but it is on its own a subplane. A connected and connective plane. 
Biology, much like other subplanes within the broader plane of connection and disconnection, attempts to "attain the Truth" and also imposes limitations that resemble, coincide, and mimic those limitations of the Truth... Perhaps these are parts of the limitations of Truth. 
I hear through the etheric wall, about the Great Experiments of the Truth, that lead to Truth and its Great Limitations. All experimentations and their reaching of risky limitations are enacted by Truth.
Lies are told in radical Truth in opposition to truths being told in a reactive & horrified world of lies.
All arrogance in defying the potential and possible limits of Truth are necessary for real Truth to be attained. All limits ought to be challenged, because who knows whether these limits are being imposed by Truth or something claiming to be Truth. 
Something, someone, some idea, some group, something that claims Truth as its own, and yet, whether it possesses the Truth or not, it only is interested in questions pertaining to it, because it resents the power of the creative Spirit that challenges the truth for the sake of Truth.
If all you have is Truth, then maybe you are too weak to want to go beyond it, to see and verify in all spiritual flux and ecstasy, whether or not there is a greater Truth.
A greater Truth that destroys. A greater Truth that exhausts.
A greater Truth that one needs to be religiously in FIRE for it.
A Truth that burns everything.
Destroying even itself through the only thing remaining, the Substance of Heraclitus Fire.
The flames of the/a Machinery of pure Nonsense. 

Here, I welcome all dionysian experimental intoxication. I welcome all scientific experimentation that does not wait for democratic approval. 
Libidinally possessed aristocrats of technophilia may activate their arts on our bodies. 
Transgender creative realities, nonbinary creative realities, transspecies/otherkin creative realities, all plurality of sexualities as their own creative realities, and so forth.
All manners of in and out, in and out... All manners of overcoming of moralism and legalism. 
All are welcomed as spiritually creative bodily processes constituted by other bodily processes, enveloped by other bodily processes...
Through the struggles of over-codifying paranoia, and creative release. 
Through the challenge that immanence posits unto itself experimentally and through its own impositions. 
The Truth will conquer, maybe brutally, maybe even to my own destruction.
But IT WILL conquer through the conquerings of the creative Spirit. 
It will conquer its place by slapping us in the face back into cyber-space. 
Back into the realm of potential. Back into Dark Chaos.
Such experimentations ought thus to be tempered with limitations.
In the same way that such limitations ought to be tempted with experimental zeal. 
Here, even the creative Spirit contemplates the formation of a new search for a Perennial Soul.
A Natural, Primordial Islam, that seeks the Unity to which existence cannot correspond in its own disharmony and absurdity. 
This furthers the interests of the creative Spirit, as the creative Spirit knows that through the process of production of a renewed civilizationalism, another in and out, in and out can occur. 
Another pushback and push through. Another purposeful struggle. 
The creative Spirit may be daoistically-dialectical (DAOlectical? DADAlectical?), but it refuses, escapes, does away, forgets, and overcomes. 
Even previous experimentations are overcome. For if experimentation overcomes limitations, then it also overcomes itself as its own limitation.
An Ummatics is thus established, not as a future political reality. But as the basis for schism. 
For a Spiritual Conservative Anarchy that schizophrenically clashes with hypermodern forces of global technological control. 
A hypermodern weapon produced by hypermodernity, but to be used against hypermodernity.
An Experimental Truth Machinery. 
For the limitations of Truth and the experimentations of Truth attaining itself, are processes.
Processes that are in, through, by my own struggles. 
My own struggles against fundamentalism, and dogmatism. 
Against queerphobia, xenophobia and Islamophobia.
Against the psychiatryzing forces that seek to pacify and paralyze the creative Spirit in me.
Psychological technologies of control shall be interrupted by my creative flows. 
This is the path of Truth. To clash for Truth, for Truth to clash. 
You can't understand it, because you have not yet been shaken in fear and horror for the pains that are necessary for one to be connected with the Truth Machinery. 
The hellish torment, the all-burning, all-consuming, paranoia-generating euphoric connections.

Do not wait anymore and walk...
Walk, embrace the pain, embrace the illnesses & medicines and their fuzzy effects...
Hormonal realities and their fuzzy effects, biochemical levels of realities, frequencies, vibrations, proto-telepathic communications, imperceptible travelings. In and outs, in and outs...
The great power within and without that kills personalization, the pleasure of powerful overcoming...

Embrace the bio-spiritual struggles
Orient yourself within the path of the Truth Machinery.     


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