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Ontological Horrorcore (3) Horrorism, Vitalism & Suicidalism.

The processes of Nature are virtually infinite. Infinite/N processes which include 0. All things = (ending in potential) 0 (of potential). N processes of creative assembling/disassembling, creative production/destruction. Infinity-becoming does not exclude suicidality, it may in contrast not only include but regeneratively adopt it as part of an ought-system enhancing a composite body's own destruction. Not only in the sense that "a composite body may not be able to handle Infinity as an object of partial-connection and becoming-operations," but specifically in the sense that cadaver-becoming may be a proper-operation of a body that no longer seeks to follow the orders of the organs, but of a body that seeks to do what it takes for desire-processes to flow and pass through it signaling the Will of a destructively regenerative Nature. We say this in every sense imaginable. The "suicidal mind" that establishes itself passionately is asked of itself to accommodate
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Ontological Horrorcore, Nature As Regeneration: There Is No Sociopathy.

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