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Ontological Horrorcore (3) Horrorism, Vitalism & Suicidalism.

The processes of Nature are virtually infinite. Infinite/N processes which include 0. All things = (ending in potential) 0 (of potential). N processes of creative assembling/disassembling, creative production/destruction. Infinity-becoming does not exclude suicidality, it may in contrast not only include but regeneratively adopt it as part of an ought-system enhancing a composite body's own destruction. Not only in the sense that "a composite body may not be able to handle Infinity as an object of partial-connection and becoming-operations," but specifically in the sense that cadaver-becoming may be a proper-operation of a body that no longer seeks to follow the orders of the organs, but of a body that seeks to do what it takes for desire-processes to flow and pass through it signaling the Will of a destructively regenerative Nature. We say this in every sense imaginable. The "suicidal mind" that establishes itself passionately is asked of itself to accommodate a pre-emptive self-pity, a cognitive-censor. A pre-emptive socio-psychological safety net. A trap = "I hope that if I become passionately suicidal enough that I am willing to agree to a cannibal lunch, wherein I freely (or perhaps with a given price/condition attached to it) give my body to a cannibal/necrophile/non-governmental scientific researcher/organ-trader, that society would stop me and re-integrate me to what is currently at the unconscious level taken as normative (...)" The only thing delineating one form of cognitive-operation over another in this context (passionate suicidality vs normie re-neutralization/de-passioning) is the idol of society which is only alive to the degree that strata repeats itself through the current arrangement and movements of various bodies. If bodies are re-arranged at different levels, which includes a re-wiring of brains, a re-arrangement of hormonal processes, a deforming and revolutionizing of various social-matrixes, of various ecologies of coded bodily function waiting to be decoded, of various ecologies of cognitive-operations, etc, then the possibility of a transvaluation emerges such that passionate suicidality is fully embraced and enhanced through parallel jurisprudential systems formulating coded-contracts legitimizing these activities. It may very well be that given a certain amount of parallel jurisprudential systems legitimizing cognitive-operations and activities that enhance passionate suicidality, that society with all of its safetyisms will become not only ineffective, but futile and about to fluidly be dissolved by a decentralized trend of suicidalists of all varieties. Suicidalism, masturbationism... Think of the types of contracts that are possible with respect to pornography, private masturbation etc. Much like suicide actualizes a potential for a destruction (of various other potentials), so does masturbation and yet, the various composite bodies that form our individual composite body may virtually establish little-contracts of coded-language with one another as to enhance masturbatory-processes, much like our brain will agree to a given set of terms and services to access a pornographic realm of moving images as to enhance masturbatory-processes. If a body can through the power of desire destroy potential in other to connect with a pornographic plane of becoming, can the body also not through the same set of driving-desires destroy potential in other to connect with a necrographic plane of cadaver-becoming? The object of the body may very well contain a function of fetishizing, or even worshipping its own destruction, or worshipping a destroyer-object that it connects with. Nature, constituting an Infinity of destructively moving forces prompts its fleshly objects to passionate processes of autodeletion. These processes can be neutralized, haulted even, but Nature shall have its last say in forming a stronger pole of suicidalisms and extinctionisms as to regenerate itself into Infinity/N/0. Nature mathematically moves in such a way to signify its own non-signifying strength over and beyond humanity and its social-virus. To accelerate is to further this, for the suicidalist is extremely interested in facilitating and de-regulating a market of cannibal and necrophiliac contracts, suicidal psychedelic trips, euthanasia procedures and drugs, risky digital escapes capable of eviscerating the human body etc. 

A passionate suicidality is not a depressive suicidality. It is ritualistic, festive, psychotically celebratory and self-affirmative. Constituting perhaps a re-paganization of liturgical/religious portals... A passionate suicidality is found in processes of God-becoming, of animal-becoming, of imperceptible-becoming. It is found in processes of extremely quick de-stratification capable of a fast focus-shifting as to not repeat identity and with it, depression. The horrors of demonic thoughts, dark and bloody orgasms (read: "Blood for You: A Literary Tribute to GG Allin, Bath Salt Fetus", of fleshly pain, of aliens communicating with the brain, of a wild and hungry animality for flesh, for organs (etc) akin to werewolves, of a vampiric thirst for blood.. All horrific to the spectator contaminated by the same society that re-inforces its own internal traps/safety-measures. But to the demon, demonic thoughts are to be enjoyed and expanded upon.. To the vampire or werewolf, the lust for blood, for flesh, for organs are to be enjoyed and expanded upon... To the para-spiritual decoder, decoding the language of aliens is enjoyable and needs to be expanded upon. These horrors may lead to suicide, but suicide here functions as an index for regeneratively perpetual enjoyment: as the virtual/actual vital processes that compose the suicidal-body and the cadaver-body continue to enjoy themselves in forming (an)other line of becoming(s) unto themselves, speedily deleting, bringing bodily processes into 0 = something else.

0 = N/π

Listen to the promptings of Nature.                      


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