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Showing posts from July, 2022

Muhammadan Queerness, Transness and The Death of the Self.

"The revelation does not come to me when I am in the garment of any woman except 'A'isha." ~ Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) , Sahih Collection of al-Bukhari, Hadith Number 2442. I emptied mySelf, like the Spirit of Christ Consciousness. I experienced the traumatic effects of this clusterfuck reality of apollonian realities and dionysian dreams. Dionysian magick, even sex magick, masturbatory tantric transness, but only after seed retention.  For a flow to flow, IT needs its own interruptions. IT's interruptions are parts of IT.   Godhood is fully experienced and attained in formlessness. In attaining and maintaining forms, and sacrificing them later on.  In facing waves, and passing through them. Frightening, traumatic waves, but refreshing of the Oceanic Soul, the bringer of Tranquility, the Spirit of the Inner & Outer Buddha.  Buddha is indeed, the Endlessness of IT all. Buddha is the End to the end and of ends... It's the end of Patriarchy & Matriarchy. IT