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Showing posts from February, 2023

The Curse of "Christian Nationalism." The Schizo-Liberation of Eucharistic Chaos.

 Brianna Ghey was one of the many trans-daughters of The Father in Heaven. "Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted." The dispossessed, the marginalized, trans, and queer people, receiving the blessings of the Father in Heaven, and the Sophianic Mother. The blessings of a new reality within them that carries itself out without them. But a blessing that is already now, and in the after-Life, experienced subjectively by them, by us who are with them, in them, through them... Those of us who are them... The energies of Christ as them... The Church springs forth from and out of the body of the Earth into a voyage, productively building a new Earth. Destructively producing, productively destroying. Dismantling, undoing, and going beyond the "natural restrictions" of the body of the Earth. For the Church is the Body of Christ transsubstantially incarnated in the Earth, to dismantle the Earth transformationally. Enacting a theater of pain and suffering on t