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The Curse of "Christian Nationalism." The Schizo-Liberation of Eucharistic Chaos.

 Brianna Ghey was one of the many trans-daughters of The Father in Heaven.
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."
The dispossessed, the marginalized, trans, and queer people, receiving the blessings of the Father in Heaven, and the Sophianic Mother.
The blessings of a new reality within them that carries itself out without them.
But a blessing that is already now, and in the after-Life, experienced subjectively by them, by us who are with them, in them, through them...
Those of us who are them...
The energies of Christ as them...
The Church springs forth from and out of the body of the Earth into a voyage, productively building a new Earth.
Destructively producing, productively destroying.
Dismantling, undoing, and going beyond the "natural restrictions" of the body of the Earth.
For the Church is the Body of Christ transsubstantially incarnated in the Earth, to dismantle the Earth transformationally.
Enacting a theater of pain and suffering on the Earth.
Mortifying, and crucifying the Earth and its god(s)
Therefore, we make a distinction between veneration and worship.
We worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in the Infinite Substance.
The Infinite Substance however through the means of Its potency expressed in its attributes emancipates the body of the Earth out of itself, to become something new.
The Father is the most potent attribute of the Infinite Substance.
We worship the Father through the veneration of His energies: Icons, the Eucharist, and the Holy Incense at a higher level, but also of the Earthly process of self-transformation at a lower level.

For even the Earth can become an Icon, as long as the Earth is understood as a process, not a fixed reality.
Even the energetic Icons are transsubstantiational processes, and the Eucharist and Incense as well.
The Sacred Ganja as well, and the Ethiopian Zion Coptic Church Movement understood this well.
All energetic processes flowing out of the Father are either in Jesus or with Jesus.
There may be energetic processes that don't flow out of the Father. They still flow as flows out of, into & in the Infinite Substance.
These processes that don't flow out of the Father may be demonized, "satanized," reversed, territorially neuroticized/psychoticized/pervertized by Oedipus's satanic panic.
Yes, the satanic panic, a fantasy of ultra-reactionary zombies is part of the whisperings of Satan himself.
But we are pushing back and breaking through and out of 2023's ultraconservative satanic panic.
For even these processes outside of the Father, can be brought baptismally into integration with the Body of Christ.
Into relationship with the Father.
All of the energetic processes of the Earth can be converted into energies of the Father in the energies of Jesus Christ.
PACHAMAMA as an energetic process of the body of the Earth, can be converted into Mary the Mother of God & through this, be converted to Christ.
Reverted into the Primordial Islam of Ontological Chaos.
From a mere earthly idol to an Iconic object of veneration, given to us by the Father in Heaven.
The Daily Bread, the heavenly-transformed liturgical materiality.
Much like the little-Angelic machines producing Orgasmic blessings in the immediate space.
PACHAMAMA may have been a too-human controversy for neuroticized & paranoid tradcath dogmatists.
But for us molecular transsexuals, only the beginning.
In this sense, Pope Francis was miraculated as the Papal Supreme partial-organism by the B w O
To spiritually emancipate us in the & into the energies of Christ.
The tradcath theological neurotic denies the immaculate yet transubstantiated bodily fluidity of Mother Mary. For the Body of Christ has been transubstantiated in the Eucharist, in the Icons, in the Holy Incense, in the Liturgical Prayers and Meditations, in the body of the Church.
Therefore Mary, as the Mother of God, who is part of the Body of Christ, has been, together with Christ's Body, transubstantiated into the body of PACHAMAMA.
The Earth-goddess receives the Mother of God in her and is now polyvocally connected with the Mother of God.
As Christ has a spiritual-polyamorous connection with all of His transubstantiated energies, thus all of His Church is within each other in Christ.
PACHAMAMA is now part of the Church by being in Mother Mary, and Mother Mary in her, thus part of Christ.
Jesus Christ here is not a "hypostatic union of two natures" exactly, but a hypostatic mixture of a multitude of energies, all having their own processed essences/natures.
Some Divine natures, some Human natures, some nonhuman & nondivine natures, but all (in the) Infinite.
Jesus Christ Himself (and His energies) as the energy of the Father is also an attribute of the Infinite Substance.
So is the Holy Spirit.
When we speak of Jesus Christ as the hypostatic energy that is eternally generated by the hypostatic Center of the Godhead (the Father) & the Holy Spirit as eternally proceeding from the Father...
We speak in reality of various energies that are all attributes of the Infinite Substance.
Nothing escapes the Infinite Substance, yet, everything in the Infinite Substance that perseveres in the Infinite Substance is escaping.
All lines of escape.
The partial-organisms cannot escape, and when they do escape, they escape out of themselves into another partial-reality.
The partial-organisms cannot resist the escaping energies that persevere in the Infinite Substance.
No resistance from the organic/organs will be accepted by the Infinite Substance/B w O.
We speak of realities that are all energetic.
Body modification, body miraculation, body mortification (etc) are all processes necessary in the Infinite Substance of the Body without Organs.
Necessary insofar as the connective & disconnective perseverance of energetic processes.
Here is precisely why we need, in our struggle against psychological fascism, to overcome the various temptations of Oedipus in the new territory we find ourselves in.
In this post-modern economy of perverticized, neuroticized, psychoticized products,
To struggle against, and overcome the reactionary agents of Oedipus...
Here I speak of TERFS and SWERFS, "red-pilled" gurus, transphobic psychologists, nativist politicians (Trump/Ron DeSantis, PVV/FVD, etc), kinists, evangelical white supremacists...
All agents of Oedipus, the Anti-Christ.
We, outside the realm of "personhood," wage spiritual war against our spiritual enemies: Jordan Peterson, Andrew Tate, JK Rowling, and others like them.
Those who uphold and maintain patterns that enslave and reverse our flows and energies through cultural delusions, back to some despotic signifier.
This includes the cultural delusions of cis-heteronormative patriarchy, enslaving the energies of cis and trans females.
Cheering for, or psycho-retroactively justifying the enslavement of wife/daughter as properties of the husband/father.
A true incestual confusion was created in the illusory nightmare of Oedipus.
Oedipus is a parasitical snake in the body of the old Earth.
We shall keep our hope that through a Truth that is transcultural, transnational, and Celestially-Universal but not totalized we shall overcome such enslaving delusional systems.
Addictively delusional for those who can't break out of the molar-mold.
Matt Walsh casts a magical spell on lost souls to get stuck in this filthy mold.
Let's break out of this mold and enter into contact with the Alien-to-be-processed forces of production. Alien forces of production that shall become flows enhancing flows, energies enhancing energies, transforming everything, generating a New Earth.
We fear yet desire ufological revival, insurrectionary revival.
Pushing all of the sciences, religions, spiritual/esoteric systems, technology, Iconographic art & fashion to enhance the flows of the schizoanalytic-spider-narrating-machine.
New flows, new hymns, new anthems, interracially emancipatory anthems.
We radically emancipate all humans, nonhumans, aliens, objects, and animals...
Veganism becomes here the new dietary Law, along with eating bugs like the Sacred Monkeys and Saint John the Baptist.
But, we, the Sacred Monkeys and Saint John the Baptist (who baptismally washes us every day through baptismal wudu) are not "returning" to the body of the Earth.

We are perhaps reverting to the Primordial Islam of Ontological Chaos.
But we are not returning to the body of the Earth and its fixed laws of survival...
We are not "primitivists..."
We survive, yes, but without the (old) body of the Earth.
We persevere, yes, in Christ Jesus, productively building the new body of the Earth as the Body of Christ Jesus. For the body of the Earth is pregnant with a new body.

Like PACHAMAMA is pregnant with a new body.

As Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God was pregnant with the body of Christ Jesus.
As the Sophianic Spirit of God (yes, the Holy Spirit) is pregnant the wisdoms of the Father.
As the Sophianic Logos of God (yes, the Son) is pregnant with the wisdoms of the Father.
As the Father was transsexually pregnant with the Son.
As I AM pregnant with my new Self in Christ. 

Here again, we see the Christological Chaos Magick at play.
We sustain ourselves through this very magic.
"Christian nationalism" is a curse...
Christological Chaos Magick is a blessing.
"Christian nationalism" assumes the "fixed" nation-state, the "fixed" empire, and/in this "fixed" world (insofar as these organisms attempt to keep themselves fixed) to be the multitude that is the Kingdom of God.
Christological Chaos Magick, on the other hand, reveals to us that the Kingdom of God cannot be perceived and grasped by and through these organisms.
Its invisible to them...
Like a small seed, it grows into a rhizomatic multitude, for it has, as potentia, a rhizomatic multitude in it.
The Kingdom grows and subversively struggles to grow out of the old Earth with its old organisms. Like Sacred larvae out of the Earths-body.
Eating the Earths-body, creating a new Sacred larvae-artifice.
The Earth already, in potentia, therefore belongs to the dispossessed, the homeless, the queer-horrific-scientist, the ganja-priest, the nonbinary female pastors, the animals, the robotic Icons & their nanotech-injected orgasms, pains, and intensities.
The Earth in potentia, the New Heavens, and New Earth.
New Israel, New Zion, that we and God struggle for together.
That also me as Krishna, and my baby as Radha struggle for in the body of Vishnu (the Essence of the Godhead).
We worship Vishnu together in the Chaos of Shiv. 
The Infinite Substance is the Infinite Power, and the Father (the hypostatic Center of the Godhead) is the most potent attribute of such Infinite Power.
The Son is the next most potent attribute after the Father
The Spirit is the next most potent attribute after the Son
(Yes... In this particular order.)
We rely therefore completely on the Father for our sustenance. For everything... In the Son, through the Spirit.

In Life and in Death, & in the After-life.

In the Transsexual Sophia found in the Divine Triunified attribute of the Infinite Substance.

In God.

In God.

In God.


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